Staring at a screen for too long always starts those curious thoughts about what’s driving it, where the data comes from, whether it can be messed. I held myself back for a very long time because I can’t risk bricking an expensive car, but at least I wanted the fancy new CarPlay upgrade. Unfortunately the dealership quoted a ridiculous price of $500, so I took matters into my hands anyways.

Jailbreaks / MazdaAIO

There is previous research into the Mazda CMUs, called MazdaAIO, with a whole framework for UI/feature enhancements. I don’t really want to touch my CMU for these kinds of tweaks, but the reversing work is great and very helpful for my efforts.

Android Auto / CarPlay

It seems like a software update already enables Android Auto, but Apple CarPlay doesn’t work. Seeing that the USB port is also exchanged at the dealership, we can assume that there’s more to that hardware.